Day 228

Day 228


Psychic cat

Clementine Jones was the beloved cat of the Lundmark family in Upstate New York. In 1949, the family relocated to Denver. They wanted to take Clementine with them but she was pregnant and they worried about her wellbeing. They found her a loving home with relatives in Buffalo where she could give birth to and raise her kittens.

Clementine cared for her kittens until they were almost a year old and then she disappeared. After weeks went by with no sign of Clementine, the Lundmarks got a call saying that she was gone.

Months had passed since her disappearance, so it was a shock when Clementine showed up at the Lundmark’s new home in Colorado, 1600 miles away across Lake Erie, Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. They recognized their black cat by her familiar white spots and her 7 toes. The pads on her paws were worn nearly to the bone from the impossible journey.

How this amazing cat found her family was truly a miracle.

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