
Inspiring Sweet Clarity

Highly sensitive, empathic, muse-ical women come together in circle to write the next great story.



The creative empath has a magical story inside her.
Her wise words can fill a book.
She is distracted by the swirls of emotions that are often not hers.

She is overwhelmed by possibilities,
dizzy with the many directions her story can take.

She gets stuck in indecision over which of her millions ideas to begin with.

She is scattered by her wandering mind.
And Interrupted by the noise of the world.

She is always starting something new. 
Never being able to finish any one.

Is this your story too?

There is a way to shift your super sensitivities into super powers.

To fine tune your focus
Stabilize your energy
and find joy in writing again
You have the story inside you.
You know how to tell it.

All you need is ... 
The space and time to write
The inspiration to begin
The company of those of your kind
You need what your story needs.

to come first
to feel nurtured
to be allowed to grow and evolve
to be celebrated
to be heard

That is what you will experience as a member of Musemint



To finally finish ...

All you really need is to find a comfortable, harmonious, peaceful space to write in on a regular basis where you will be in the company of other sensitive magical souls like yourself who are all working together towards the same goal. It's a place to be inspired and uplifted as you create in a flexible structure that offers you the support and motivation to finally finish your story.  


Our Members

We come from all over the world infusing our work with our personal flavours, our ancestral stories and our cultural history.

We are highly sensitive souls. We feel through every layer of this material world. We are not only familiar with the story of the Princess and the Pea, we are the Princess. 

We are tarot pulling, pendulum swinging, magical souls who find wisdom from our spirit guides and direction from celestial charts.

We will give away our last dollar but beware if you try to take our special pen.

We are woman who remember our power and autonomy. We are re-infusing the world with Divine Feminine Authority.

We know that the most powerful way to change the world is to rewrite it


Our Stories

We have experienced the darkness of this world and have gone through powerful transformations. We share the wisdom of our experiences through our stories. You'll find our words written across many genres. We weave fantastical tales of magic; we share tips and techniques on anything from crafting, to business, to raising children, to dealing with depression; we talk about how we healed ourselves and we show you how to find healing; we take you into deep discussions of the mysteries of this world or we make you think about life in new ways. Whatever the subject, our spirituality is part of who we are and comes through our writing one way or another. 


Our Joy

We write. Not because we want to but because we mustWe have so much to say to the world - brilliant insights, mystical secrets and magical stories. If we don't share it, it wrecks us. To deny our story is to deny our life. We do not feel complete unless we are writing. Our art is our life and it gives us joy.


Soul Family

Being a writer is a solitary and sometimes lonely journey and so we come together in circle to inspire, support, listen to and encourage each other. We are not just a community but a movement - an evolution in the way stories are created and shared out into the world. We are writers lifting up writers. We are not looking for permission to be who we are or acceptance of our stories. We are just seeking good company with whom to quietly write. Connecting together in this way brings us very close, very quickly. We are not just people who come together to work. We are family 

At Musemint

Whether we are at the beginning of our creation having just the spark of an idea or in our final edits, we work together in natural rhythm and flow.

• We meet every weekday morning to write.

• We have a special day each month for tea and talk.

• There will be guided meditations to take us into our work.

ª From time to time, personal messages will come through for members from our facilitator and soul whisperer

• We work with colour and Tarot cards in a very specific way which is designed to help our work.

• We open our circles in ritual with candles and crystals.

• We clear space with sacred scents and smoke of sage.

• We check in with each other about our well being because we know that is not separate from our work.

* We have a library of resources that grows as we do

• We offer each other honest feedback when asked

All this creates a sacred space for what is the essence of our circle, and that is to nourish our souls and grow our stories.


 I’m so glad I did this.
I feel unblocked, in the zone.
In that one hour I got more done
than in 3 hours of
trying to focus on my own. 
-- Elizabeth, Canada


Sacred Trust

All that is shared in our private group is done so in sacred trust. Each member of our circle makes a sacred promise that what happens in our writing circle stays in our writing circle.


Private Space

We meet in our writing circle through zoom and we have a private facebook group for ongoing discussions.



We meet 3 times a week and we rotate between Morning/Afternoon/Evening to accommodate different time zones. Dates for Monthly Tea will be announced by the end of each prior month.


A muse 

When women come together in sacred circle, magic happens. A natural alchemy of feminine energy sparks the inspiration for creativity to flourish. 

Our ancestors knew the power of Divine Feminine collaboration.

We are reigniting this ancient practice.