The stones that volunteered for this Star Song came to me in a dream of a wheelbarrow shaped crystal which would reveal a way to amplify communication with those beings who are not in your current vicinity – or even in your physical realm for that matter. These crystals, who led me to them in such a wondrous and creative way, call themselves the StarBeam Crystals. They sing a song of interstellar and inter-dimensional communication. That does not mean that they will not offer their vibrational gift of clear communication with respect to everyday human interpersonal relationships. They vibrate with an energy of clearer conversation in any and all relationships. You will see.
These crystals came forward as the monthly Star Song for June 26, 2016. I have had many profound experiences with these Star Songs, but this one was one of the most powerful and most beautiful yet. I was in a state of bliss all day- a state of fearlessness. I’ve experienced that state before and it is one I’ve been striving to return to – to live in always. That night I was inspired to take a walk that was unlike any other. It was a simple walk. It was a path I take almost everyday in a simple normal neighbourhood. But this walk was anything but simple. It’s not that I did anything different during this walk or anything had changed around me. It was that my awareness had shifted – expanded. I was aware of the abundance of life and LIGHT all around me – and that life and light was aware of me. It was a MUTUAL interconnectedness. It was powerful. I share the experience of that magical walk and the message that came through it in an e-book. This message carries the energy of this unity consciousness which is embedded in the words themselves. If you allow it, those vibrations will reach deep into your spirit and you will begin to remember. Even the slightest spark in your memory can shift you into a movement that expands your awareness and takes you closer to oneness. In harmony with a Star Song that expansion can be magnified.
I encourage you to experience this ethereal essence for yourself. I don’t know if you’ll experience what I experienced, but if there is a chance in a million to have such a magical journey, it is worth the try. No matter how this Star Song gifts you, trust that you will receive a gift from it.