It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. --Eleanor Roosevelt
When darkness comes into our lives, our natural reaction is to fear it – to worry about it – to “curse” it. We don’t always remember that there is another choice.
We live in a time where the ancient mystical secrets are becoming available to anyone that seeks them out. Many of us are coming into awareness of the law of attraction and truly understanding what it means. We are beginning to see from experience that what we focus on in our lives EXPANDS. When we focus on the things that bring us joy and peace, our lives are filled with more joy and peace. When we focus on things that frighten us and stress us out, our lives are filled with more fear and stress.
You can choose your focus
So why not put our focus on things that will make us happy rather than on what we fear?
I’m not just asking this question rhetorically. Give it some thought and really answer the question.
Besides what good will our worry do anyone? If worrying would help make things better, our world would be paradise. I know what you’re thinking … if you could stop worrying you would. But let’s say that you can stop worrying – would you want to? Would you choose to let go of worry if you could? That’s really the question. Let go of the thought that you can’t help worrying and see what your answer is. It may surprise you to find that you might not be as willing to give up worrying as you might first imagine. Because giving up worry means giving up control – even if that control is just an illusion.
Life holds stresses
It’s hard to avoid the stresses of our chaotic world. Things are happening that we can’t deny are frightening and horrific. But be aware that there are also things that are happening that are wondrous and truly miraculous – all the time. It is up to you which one you choose to give more of your focus and attention to. While we can’t deny the stuff that brings nightmares to life, we do have a choice how we react to those things and what we give power and credence to in our daily existence.
That does not mean being ignorant to or avoiding the things that are happening in our world. But how much of yourself are you giving to those things. How much of your energy is depleted worrying about something that you can’t control or do anything about. Definitely if there is something you can to to alleviate the suffering in this world … DO IT. If something tragic happens and you have it within your power to help – in any way possible – DO SO. And there are two things that you can ALWAYS do no matter what the situation.
f i r s t … love.
Love is a force that can’t be reckoned with. Love conquers all. All you need is love.
There’s a reason there are so many cliches around LOVE. So when you come upon news of tragedy and loss, you have it within your power to do something very powerful … hold/send/feel/be LOVE. Even if you only allow yourself ONE SECOND to clear your heart and your body and hold a loving thought – THAT can do more for the world than any amount of worry or fear or stress. That is how powerful love is. Try it right now and see how the energy shifts. Take ONE SECOND only and focus on love – just put your focus on something or someone you love and let that fill your body and see how things change. You can do that. You have that power. I’m not saying it is always easy. I KNOW it is not always easy. But it is always a choice. Worry and fear mask the possibility that you can choose something else. But remember that you do have a choice.
NOTE: I used the word LOVE but you can replace that word with G-d, the Universe, Spirit or anything that you call that which fills you with the indescribable energy that all those cliches are about.
it's not selfish
SECOND – and this might sound selfish, so I ask you to hold judgement until you hear me out – put your focus on making your life the best that it can be. Every Soul in this world was created with purpose. That is to be all of who you are, whoever that might be. When you let yourself be who you truly are, you fill this world with that same energy we just spoke of … LOVE (or whatever word you call it). However, instead of spurts and bursts of love that take focus and energy to bring out, when you live authentically well, you will naturally emanate that sacred powerful energy at all times – just with your presence.
So why not be a light in this world by being happy … it’s your choice … what’s stopping you?