Day 249

Day 249


The secret to a long and healthy life

In a small town in Eastern Pennsylvania, the people lived long, happy, healthy lives without hardly ever getting sick. There were no suicides, no drug addiction, and no alcoholism and the crime rate in Roseto was virtually nonexistent. They ate rich foods—lots of salted, cured meats, fatty cheeses, food fried in lard. They were overweight and they smoked and drank... YET, they were healthy and happy and the only cause of death was old age.

After a doctor noticed the unusually low rate of heart disease in the town, researchers did a study. The results were remarkable, showing there was no sign of even a peptic ulcer among the residents. The reason for the Roseto effect was a mystery until Stewart Wolf and Sociologist John Bruhn came to the conclusion that rather than genetics, diet or geography, the social structure and culture of the Rosetans were the core reason for their long and happy lives.

The Rosetans lived in close-knit communities. Several generations of a single family often lived together under the same roof. They took every opportunity to engage as a community through local clubs, organisations, potlucks and more. They were loving and kind towards one another and people looked out for each other.

These people have modelled for us the ideal community and shown us proof of that this lifestyle leads to health and happiness. It’s something that we can all have.

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