Day 132

Day 132


Ancient Calendar

Between 500-200 BC, in the Casma Valley, Peru, the thirteen towers of the Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex told time. The row of teeth-like protrusions formed a solar observatory marking the solstices, the equinoxes, and every other date within the year with a precision of 1-2 days.\_esv=3d5aec0ebbda9031&hl=en-ca&q=chankillo&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiZ4I6KvbOFAxUCLtAFHR1dCagQ7xYoAHoECAkQAg&biw=1214&bih=785&dpr=2


Photo: Juancupi, CC BY-SA 4.0\_trece\_torres\_del\_observatorio\_astron%C3%B3mico\_de\_Chanquillo.jpg

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